Monday evening, July 23, 2007-A new job, maybe?

I had the most unique job interview ever! While still in London, I found an opening in Jefferson County, Kentucky and submitted an online application for the elementary library position that was being offered. The school principal got in touch with me to ask if I would be interested in interviewing via telephone from Scotland, and of course I was. At the appointed time, I called the school and was interviewed by the site based council. They took turns asking me questions, and when I asked questions, they took turns answering them as well. Their questions were to-the-point and showed that they had the same vision for a good library program as me, and when I asked questions of them, their answers satisfied my need to know that they were interested in collaborating. The principal was supportive in every way, and after the interview was over, I decided that I would probably take the position if it was offered, even though it would mean an immediate move once I got home from Britain.

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